Monday, November 10, 2008

Microsoft Outlook Help & Support

Microsoft Outlook is one of the most widely used email clients, but most users are unaware of its all features. Outlook is believed to be the best email application for business persons who require managing lots of emails in one go. If you are only using it for sending and receiving emails, you are wasting the caliber of a great productivity tool!

You can use Microsoft Help to keep a track of your to do list with the help of setup rules option. For handling outlook problem we have to need Microsoft Outlook Support. The email client offers rules creation option to its users, using which you can perform following functions:

Assign categories to your tasks

If you have a plethora of emails on your task list, you may have found that viewing them all on your screen is too overwhelming to be helpful. However, assigning a proper category to each task allows you to group similar tasks, such as telephone calls or errands, so you can look after several at the same time. You can create your own categories to replace or supplement the default categories supplied with the program.

Enter priorities for your work

Microsoft Support lets you to arrange and view your tasks by category, priority, and due date. Entering this information will allow you to reap the benefits of using an electronic task manager over writing details over paper every time.

Create tasks from an email message

Drag and drop a message from your inbox directly into your task folder and create a new Task. Edit the subject line and other details as required. Save the task, and delete the message or move it to a proper folder. This is the electronic equal to taking a piece of paper out of your in tray, placing it in an action file on your desk, and adding it to your to-do list.

To set-up email rules in Microsoft Outlook and Outlook Express, you can consider taking help of computer support resources. They have got the best email support canada specialists to help you out with everything. Indeed, email support services are gaining in popularity with businesses as they need an effective email management.

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